Therapeutic Care

Educational Services

One of our main principles of care is to help young people engage in education, striving for positive educational relationships. Most of the children and young people who come to us have experienced severe disruption in their educational development. Our therapeutic approach enables the child to achieve, share and experience success, building confidence and self-esteem;
Where appropriate we provide expert assistance in the transition from Special Education Needs or Disability (SEND) or short stay school to mainstream school or college, and provide the necessary support working closely with the school or college which they are attending. This will be in the form of classroom support and school staff training such as behaviour management.
Access to a qualified teacher for home tuition.
ASDAN (Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Networking) in house education and home tuition.
A quiet area where homework can be undertaken without distractions
Computers, each with a range of educational and word-processing software
Broadband Internet access, which is policed/controlled on a regular basis
At ACS we value delivering real impactful results to the young people's lives in our care. The diagram below shows the results of our young people in education since opening The Old Barn.